Our target trail is for mostly the NZCT Grade 2 standard which is a gravel trail that is wide enough for cyclists to pass in opposite directions and not be too steep. Parts of the trail will exceed this standard.

Our aspiration is for the trail to be mostly off the road. In places where the trail must follow the road corridor we will try to separate the trail from the road itself as much as possible.

We plan to have the trail open year round and in all seasons. Some of the sections of trail that are on private land may have limited access hours or be closed at certain times of the year to suit farming or other activities on that land.


These statistics give some regional and local context to why we do what we do. 

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Auckland's population is 1.7 million, reaching 2 million by 2029.

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1 in 5 New Zealanders are suffering from medium to severe mental health distress.

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Rodney Local Board Area fastest growing in Auckland with 21% increase in population 2013-2018.

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Warkworth population - 5,600 (2018) to 25,000 by 2030, 7,500 additional dwellings over 10 years (Future Urban Area).

550,000 of Auckland's population own and ride bikes, growing by 50,000.

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A third of Auckland's Adults are overweight, 1 in 7 children between 2-14 years are overweight.

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180,000 tourists per month visit the Matakana area, 94% Aucklander's.

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2018, 12 people every 10,000 killed or seriously injured in Rodney / 5 per 100,00 for Tāmaki Makaurau.

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Benefit Cost Ratio: 1 generates $2.9 benefits.

390,000 estimated uses per year.

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$24M Visitor Benefits (Expenditure from International Visitors using the trail).

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Creation of 250 long-term jobs after completion.

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$60M Consumer Expenditure Benefits (Local economic value generated by users).

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Creation of 330 jobs during construction phase.

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$78M Health Benefits (Improvement in Health Outcomes of domestic users).



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